There was a time when author Sandy Ralya’s marriage was in trouble. She needed help but she was afraid to ask for it. At the time, she didn’t know that hundreds of other wives were struggling with the same issues she was. Though Sandy eventually sought guidance from godly mentors and Christian counselors, other women remain silent. Many churches lack ministries and resources to reach out and help these women. The Beautiful Wife uses these inspiring stories along with biblical principles to guide and encourage any wife looking for God's best in her marriage. The Beautiful Wife answers serious questions women have about their roles as wives. Discussing everything from romance and money to beauty, communication, and sex, Sandy challenges women to open up and share their journeys so that together they can see God's plan for their marriages. "It is my passion to help women discover God's heart for their marriage, just as the other women helped me," writes Sandy. "When women share with each other the details of their journeys with God as wives, it's a beautiful thing indeed." The Beautiful Wife has two companion resources - Prayer Journal and Mentor's Guide.

I loved every chapter I read, but the one about romance really stuck with me. I even quoted the part about us not being our husbands' mother as my Facebook status once.
I will forever remember TRACE:
Trust instead of control
Respect instead of demean
Appreciate instead of criticize
Confer confidence instead of doubt
Expose vulnerability instead of defensiveness
This book covers everything from thoughts on sex to managing money. This is a great help book for women for our marriages. It has changed the way I think about a lot of things, including my hubby.
I am so glad this set included a Prayer Journal....very important! Every chapter in the book coincides with the prayer journal. It helps to really get involved with your reading. Also helps to get us in the Word of God and more active in our prayer life concerning our marriage.
The Mentor's Guide is only necessary when completing this study in a group session. It will be a great help! Each chapter starts with a prayer, an introduction to the lesson, and then discussion preparations.There are a couple more sections that keep you involved with your group and lessons as well.
If you are interested in purchasing this book please go here and get it for a great price at
I received this book from Kregel Publications for the purpose of my honest review and blog tour.
About The Author
Sandy Ralya is the founder and director of
Beautiful Womanhood and speaks to hundreds of women each year at MOPS
groups, women’s retreats, and church leadership conferences across the
country and in Canada. Sandy and her husband, Tom, have been married
since 1980 and have three grown children and and growing number of
grandchildren. Sandy bases her ministry near Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Celebrate with Sandy by entering her Kindle Touch Giveaway and coming to her "Beautiful Womanhood" Facebook Party {3/8}!One beautiful winner will receive:
- A Brand new Kindle Touch with Wi-Fi
- The Beautiful Wife By Sandy Ralya
- The Beautiful Wife Prayer Journal and Mentor's Guide
So grab your copy of The Beautiful Wife and join Sandy and friends on the evening of March 8th for an evening of fun.