Monday, May 30, 2011

What Are You Waiting For?

 First, I chose this book to review because there were still almost 60 copies available. Not the most popular book on the review list. Why not read it and write a review? It's just about sex and the one thing nobody ever told me about it. But really, it was way more than that! I love the opening paragraph, "This book is not for spiritual monks. If you spend more of your time at church getting to know God's word than out in the world living it, you probably won't like this book. It's raw and real. If you can't handle words like masturbation, orgasm, and porn, you should just put it down now."
   According to some reviews I read after ordering the book, this is for young, single, Christian women. I'm none of those except the Christian. I've been married for almost 10 years now with 3 children, so of course we've did the deed. This book still taught me some things about what the bible says about sex, love, and relationships.
    All I have to say is "yada, yada, yada." No, not just chatter talk because I don't know what to say. In the bible it tells us "Adam lay with his wife Eve and she became pregnant (4:1). Hebrew word for sex in this verse is yada. The definition of the Hebrew word is "to know, to be known, to be deeply respected." How many of you know this involves more than just the physical intimacy with another person?
   This book gets a little more in depth, but is filled with too much info to put in one review. I really recommend this book to any young woman. The author did a lot of research and biblical studies for this book. She explains so many scriptures and what God really wants for us where marriage and sex is concerned. My friend keeps bugging me to borrow the book, so it's her turn to get informed. She will find out the one thing no one ever told her about sex!

I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review. This is only my opinion and nobody else. 

Friday, May 27, 2011

God Had Another Plan

  I received the DVD Unplanned to review. This documentary is about Abby Johnson's life as she starts her college years and ends up getting pregnant a couple times from boyfriends and getting them aborted. Her volunteer work during this time is done at Planned Parenthood. Over the years she moves up to become a director of the biggest Planned Parenthood facility in Texas.
  Planned Parenthood receives federal money to provide health advice and education to women. A BIG part of their services are providing abortions to women. I didn't know how much until I saw this! There was a Pro-Life group down the street called Coalition For Life. They would join other Christians in front of the Planned Parenthood gates. While some people protested, this group joined together in prayer. Abby knew they were praying for her too.
  One day Abby found herself in a room where an abortion was taking place. The baby was squirming and moving as it was being prodded. by the doctor's tool. She couldn't stand it and God did something in side her. She was awakened to what she was helping do. She stepped down from her position and went immediately to see her "friends" at CFL. She had a different calling on her life and helping women find other choices besides abortion was part of it. She went from pro-choice to pro-life. I am so proud of her and the changes she made.
  Anyone who thinks Planned Parenthood is anything but an abortion clinic needs to see this. Yes they might disguise their main purpose with health pamphlets and contraceptives, but I don't believe they are in it for women's health. Abortions are dangerous...not sure how killing innocent life helps a woman's health, but if that's what they need to tell themselves to sleep better. I recommend this video to every person pro-anything. This is a great documentary based on a book with the same title. Get someone's perspective who's lived it.

I received this DVD from Tyndale Publisher's for my review. These are only my opinions and views.