I am glad that as a pastor Todd shared his feelings of what was going on inside him as his son was suffering. Sometimes people think that pastors are the holiest people who never questions God and when in all reality, they are just like the rest of us, only with a higher calling per say. It's nice to know we all question God just a tiny bit in life and death situations. Even thought we know God is in control, we do still question because we don't know the outcome. We must still depend on him to see us through though. Even though we yell at God and blame him for our troubles, He still answers our prayers because He loves us that much.
As I read about what Colton experienced, I longed even more to be in Heaven with my Savior! Not that I want to go before my time, but when it is my time, I am definitely ready.
I'm glad I was able to read about this family's ordeal. And it just proves that God is in control when we are not! AMEN!
Head over to Amazon.com and take a look inside the book.
I received this book from booksneeze.com for my honest review.
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