Beautiful illustrations and all the bible stories are there. My daughter really enjoyed flipping through the pages. I can't wait to start reading with my children. This is more a "religious" thing than a Holy Bible thing. It's written out like a story and where you can find it in the bible is along the top of each page. There are some specific pages with photos of artifacts, maps, and paintings. The thing that caught my attention is on pages 314 & 315. The page is titled "The Christians" and it has some pics with some little captions under them. The Gospel of Thomas happens to be one of them. HUH?! Exactly!!!! Not in the bible for a reason! It was not spoken by God.
Then there's the part where they have Paul giving Christianity a "new start". It does say on the page with publishing info that this was published by DK as "The Children's Bible" and as far as I can see they publish a wide range of books. Not just Christian books. This book is what they call the "watered-down" version if you will. Some things that I read would not be found in your King James bible as it is told here. Once we read more of the bible stories I hope I am not disappointed any further. While reading to my children I will have to make sure what I read is real truth and not the "religious" version of the story.
The Family Illustrated Bible was provided to me by the fabulous people at New Leaf Publishing Group in exchange for an honest review.
Zoey girl is TOOO cute! I can't wait to get mine. : ) (Not mine as in my Zoey girl... mine as in my illustrated bible). haha